Trading Post

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Trading Post
Max. Tier 5
Conversion rate 6000:1
Color theme Columbia Blue
Lightblue resource.png

The Trading Post is a building used to exchange cubes.



Trading deals appear at the right side of the screen, requesting a random amount of a certain resource and giving a randomly chosen resource in return at equal value. Successful trades are then removed from the list. Every hour (The timer is at the top left of the menu) the trading deals are reset.

Upgrades and Crates

With rework of trading post, some upgrades and crates added to trading post. Whenever you do a trade, you gain crates. Whenever you upgrade anything, you get a boost based on your crates (for example if you max factory producer boost, you get crate amount^1 of producer boost)

Trading Rewards

Here is a list of the rewards trading post can provide.

Name Max upgrade Effect formula (lvl X) Effect formula (lvl 1) Effect formula (lvl max) Unlock condition
Tower - Resource Drop Bonus 13 Log8.5-0.5XCrates Log8Crates Log2Crates
Tower - Hitpoints Bonus 9 Crates0.05+0.05X Crates0.1 Crates0.5
Tower - Shield Bonus 9 Crates0.07+0.07X Crates0.14 Crates0.7
Factory - Production Bonus Resources 19 Crates0.05+0.05X Crates0.1 Crates1
Factory - Production Bonus Gems 21 Log52-2XCrates Log50Crates Log10Crates
Factory - Production Bonus Exotic Gems 21 Log524288000/(2^X)Crates Log262144000Crates Log250Crates
Shipyard - Shipment Bonus Resources 40 Crates0.06+0.03X Crates0.09 Crates1.26
Shipyard - Shipment Bonus Gems 40 Crates0.03+0.015X Crates0.045 Crates0.63
Shipyard - Shipment Bonus Exotic Gems 40 Crates0.0025X Crates0.0025 Crates0.1 Exotic Skill (Shipyard) - Armored Cargo Bay

Note that a bonus doesn't apply if there's no level invested in it, or the bonus is below 1x(which may happen to the bonus that use log)

Building tiers

Every tier allows more trading deals to show up on the trade board.


See also: Skills (Upgrade)
  • Super Trades- Provides a 10% chance that a super trade will appear instead of a regular trade which rewards twice as many crates. A super trade is indicated via a green arrow.
  • Trading Archives - Unlocks the ability to keep specific offers which are then not removed when the countdown for new trading offers triggers.
  • Accounting - Increases the maximum amount of available trade offers by 2.
  • More Crates - Crate amount rewarded from offers is 25% higher.
  • Merchant - Increases the base conversion factor from 10% to 20%.

Exotic Skills

See also: Exotic Skills
  • Bargaining (35 Exotic gem.png) - Increases the conversion rate by an additional 10%.
  • Hyper Trade (75 Exotic gem.png) - Provides a chance equal to your trading amount percentage to perform a hyper trade which multiplies your crate reward between 2 and 10 depending on your trading amount percentage. (Low trading percentage equals higher multiplier. Hyper trade is indicated by falling crates in the background.)
  • Experienced Merchant (Exotic gem.png) - Increases the conversion rate based on your total amount of trades statistic. (Formula: Log10(x)1.2% where "x" represents your trades. Log10(0) = 1 in this case.)